Blind dogs are just as capable of playing, running around, and showing affection as fully-sighted dogs, despite the fact that they are missing their ability to see. Many pet owners are concerned about how their animal will handle blindness, but fortunately, most animals adjust fairly well and go on to lead happy lives.
Caring for a blind dog isn’t all that different from caring for a sighted dog. There are some easy things you can do to assist your dog adjust if you’ve been told they’re losing their sight or if you’re thinking about adopting a blind dog.
Create a comfortable space
Every animal occasionally needs their own space, a blind dog can easily get overstimulated. Make a cosy, comfortable place for your dog to retreat to when it needs some alone time. You may try adding familiar-smelling blankets to make it even more enticing, and a soft, padded dog bed should work.

Dog commands
A beneficial technique to keep your dog busy is to train them. To help keep a blind dog safe, it is even more crucial to teach them commands. You may help your dog navigate the world by using commands like “Step up,” “Step down,” or even “Danger” to alert them to potential hazards. Your blind dog will find it helpful to recognise “Left,” “Right,” and “Stop” both indoors and outside.

Use their sense of smell
Just like other dogs, blind canines want walks and playtime, although they may require some assistance locating and pursuing objects. To encourage them to sniff out their toys, try applying strong-smelling food or treats to the toys before you throw them. Always play in a well-lit, open space, and allow your blind dog a chance to sniff out the area before you begin.

Don’t move their food or water
A blind dog needs consistency more than anything else. They will find it simpler to return to places on their own if they have figured out where items, such as their food and water, are. Keeping things as consistent as possible will aid in their ability to become familiar with their surroundings and find their way about.

Make sure your house is dog-safe
There are many dangers in life for a dog, especially if they can’t see them. Being certain that anything they might bump against won’t be harmful and that any sharp edges and corners have protection on them is a great idea. Watch out for anything your blind dog could fall from or into, and it’s a good idea to use baby gates at the top of any steps while they get accustomed to their surroundings.

“If you don’t understand how something works, you can’t improve upon it. ” — Ivan Balabanov